
Frozen Berry & Coconut Smoothie

The perfect drink for an early morning start to a busy Showcase day!

This Frozen Berry & Coconut smoothie was inspired by the release of Frozen 2!

I can still remember when the first movie came out in 2013 and every dancer in every class belted ‘Let it go’ with such intensity!

It was the most adorable thing to watch twelve 3 year old’s singing together, in not so perfect harmony, but with pure joy 🙂

After hearing it about 1,000 times, however, I swore it off for good.

That is until this past Fall, when my little boy asked me to watch the Snowman movie. Confused, I asked which one he meant and he pointed at Olaf.

Thus we begun a Frozen marathon for the next 2 weeks and the inspiration for today’s recipe.

This tasty treat is packed with black, blue and red berries, spinach, coconut flakes and a secret boost for the immune system; elderberry syrup.

Packed with healthy minerals, elderberry works wonders when it comes to helping support your immune system. Whether it be showcase day, traveling to nationals or your dancer is just not feeling their best, elderberry gives the immune system a little extra energy and help sustaining your dancer.

I used Zarbee’s in this recipe and its my favorite! No drugs, alcohol, artificial sweeteners, dyes or flavors. Just that sweet natural berry taste kids know and love!

NOTE! Be sure to use as the package indicates. Dosages vary between ages and more information can be found on Zarbee’s website.

Let’s not forget about those tropical coconut flakes!

These unsweetened shredded flakes give your dancer a healthy amount of fiber, iron and zinc. Plus it adds a great flavor twist to this berry dominate smoothie.

And spinach is always good… and good for you! But lets be honest, you already knew that 🙂

Recipe Below:


  • 2 cups Frozen Mixed Berries
  • 1 cup Fresh Spinach
  • 1/2 cup Coconut Flakes unsweetened
  • 3-4 cups Water (depending on size of blender)
  • 1-2 cups Ice


-Place all ingredients into your favorite blender. Start by pulsing the mixture a few times over low speed and slowly increase as the frozen fruit and ice break down.

-Blend 2- 3 minutes until completely smooth. Serve immediately or put in your dancers favorite travel mug and hit the road! Don’t forget to blast the Frozen album along the way 🙂

Hope you enjoy!